A Central Limit Theorem for Modified Massive Arratia Flow,
with Andrey Dorogovtsev and Max von Renesse,
preprint. (arXiv, PDF)
A quantitative central limit theorem for the simple symmetric exclusion process,
with Benjamin Gess,
preprint. (arXiv, PDF)
Dean-Kawasaki equation with initial condition in the space of positive distributions,
with Fenna Müller,
preprint. (arXiv, PDF)
Stochastic Modified Flows, Mean-Field Limits and Dynamics of Stochastic Gradient Descent,
with Benjamin Gess and Sebastian Kassing,
Journal of Machine Learning Research. Vol. 25 (2024), no. 30, 27 pp. (arXiv, PDF)
Conservative SPDEs as fluctuating mean field limits of stochastic gradient descent,
with Benjamin Gess and Rishabh S. Gvalani,
preprint. (arXiv, PDF)
On Moments of Multiplicative Coalescents
with Vlada Limic,
Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat. 60 (2024), no.3, 2025-2045. (arXiv, PDF)
Spectral gap estimates for Brownian motion on domains with sticky-reflecting boundary diffusion,
with Max von Renesse and Victor Marx,
preprint. (arXiv, PDF)
On Number of Particles in Coalescing-Fragmentating Wasserstein Dynamics,
Theory of Stochastic Processes. Vol. 25(41) (2020), no. 2, 74-80. (arXiv, PDF)
On Conditioning Brownian Particles to Coalesce,
with Victor Marx,
Journal of Theoretical Probability. Vol. 36 (2023), 2126–2164 (arXiv, PDF)
Sticky-Reflected Stochastic Heat Equation Driven by Colored Noise,
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 72 (2021), no. 9, 1377-1419. (arXiv, PDF)
Stochastic Block Model in a new critical regime and the Interacting Multiplicative Coalescent,
with Vlada Limic,
Electronic Journal of Probability. Vol. 26 (2021), 23 pp. (arXiv, PDF)
On Dean-Kawasaki Dynamics with Smooth Drift Potential,
with Tobias Lehmann and Max von Renesse,
J. Stat. Phys. 178 (2020), no. 3, 666-681. (arXiv, PDF)
Dean-Kawasaki dynamics: Ill-posedness vs. Triviality,
with Tobias Lehmann and Max von Renesse,
Electronic Communications in Probability. Vol. 24 (2019), no. 8, 9 pp. (arXiv, PDF)
Coalescing-Fragmentating Wasserstein Dynamics: particle approach,
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. Vol. 59 (2023), no. 2, 983-1028 (arXiv, PDF)
Reversible Coalescing-Fragmentating Wasserstein Dynamics on the Real Line,
with Max von Renesse,
Journal of Functional Analysis Vol. 286 (2024), 60pp (arXiv, PDF)
On asymptotic behavior of the modified Arratia flow,
Electronic Journal of Probability. Vol. 22 (2017), no. 19, 31 pp. (arXiv, PDF)
Modified Massive Arratia flow and Wasserstein diffusion,
with Max von Renesse,
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 72 (2019), no. 4, 764-800 (arXiv) (extended version)
A system of coalescing heavy diffusion particles on the real line,
Annals of Probability. Vol. 45 (2017), no. 5, 3293-3335. (arXiv)
Large deviations principle for finite system of heavy diffusion particles,
Theory of Stochastic Processes. Vol. 19(35) (2014), no. 1, 37-45. (PDF)
Mathematical model of heavy diffusion particles system with drift,
Communications on Stochastic Analysis. Vol. 7 (2013), no. 4, 591-605. (PDF)
The martingale problem for a measurevalued process with heavy diffusion particles,
Theory of stochastic processes. Vol. 17(33) (2011), no. 1, 50-60. (PDF)
System of sticking diffusion particles of variable mass,
Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. Vol. 62 (2010), no. 1, 97-113. (PDF)
On infinite system of diffusion particles with coalescing,
Theory of Probability and Its Applications. Vol. 55 (2011), no. 1, 134-144.
The system of interacting particles with variable weights, PhD thesis (in Ukrainian) (PDF)